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Saturday, January 4, 2020


Happy New Year! Now that the craziness of the holidays has settled, it’s time to look ahead at what’s in store for 2020. I love this time of year because it is so full of possibilities. There is a sense of new beginnings and a belief that anything can happen. I have spent a great deal of time during the holidays reflecting on all aspects of my life. One of the areas I reflected on was my involvement with IAAP. 2020 marks my 12th year as a member of this association. It has been a humbling journey. I am so grateful every day to be able to give back to this association that has provided so much for me over the last decade. One of the best things about membership in IAAP is the wealth of volunteer opportunities available to each of us. There is something for every interest and level of experience.

Although not everyone is interested in serving on the board of directors, I’m often asked about what I think makes a good board member. I think it comes down to passion, commitment and a willingness to share your knowledge and experience. Like all of you, I am passionate about this association. Having seen the tremendous benefits I have gained, I feel absolutely compelled to give back. When you’re passionate about something, it comes through in everything you do and every choice you make. Working together with others who share that passion sets the stage for great things to happen. Commitment is also important because taking on a volunteer role is an investment – of time, of energy and of knowledge. We all have something unique to bring to this role. Don’t overthink it! Your perspective, your experience and your ideas are wanted and needed. The best thing you can do is trust what you have to offer and be willing to share it with others.

If you’re interested in any of the volunteer leadership positions, feel free to reach out to myself or any board member. We are willing to answer questions and share our experiences with you. This is our association and we’re all committed to keeping it the premiere resource for administrative professionals. In 2020, why not consider stepping into a volunteer role and taking an active part in shaping our future.

1 comment:

  1. Great read! As soon as I pass my CAP exam; I would enjoy the opportunity to promote IAAP within my organization, volunteer and look at possible leadership positions down the road.
